Keeping Notes.

Zackariah McPheron
1 min readFeb 28, 2021

The archetypal scribe. Who endured a series of losses. So interconnected with their past lives 🧬

“Who were they? And what were they doing here?” thei suddenly realized.

It's been a rough one today, spiritually. I was baptized last night. It makes me vulnerable to the enemy. I think that's why it's hard for me to open up. There is a deep wound there that I don't want to face. And it scares the hell out of me.

I think that's why I do art. It lets me escape. Keeps me balanced. .

However, I fear the way I make my art seems like it would be done like a sane person. People in America seem to be unaccepting of people like myself. I suffer because I am afraid to tell the truth. Admitting to myself that I suffered a great trauma, and in doing so I developed habits of bad behavior from it. And struggling to forgive myself on them.

Jesus gave me the choice to forgive and I don't know if I truly do deserve forgiving.

Forgive satan, because all of god's creations are good?

~^~I'm safe and sound, and I love you.~^~

